The Difference Between College Education and Online Education

online education
online education
Education on campus vs. Online education! This is one better than the other? It can really replace the other? It seems that online education is the way of the future. Educational institutions, businesses and government organisations also offer various forms of e-learning. However, the computer can replace teachers and whiteboards?

How you learn

How you learn
How you learn

Each individual has the most appropriate learning way for them. Some people achieve amazing results in the courses they teach online, but most people take out the 100% computer course. Educational institutions and companies to carry out training personnel, should be aware that there is no ideal way to carry out teaching a large group of people, and therefore should design a program that best suits the needs of Group as a whole.

People learn different ways to use. It is about learning through both the theoretical components of course, as well as social interactions with teachers and other students. Students learn from the mistakes and successes of everyone, not just what the instructor teaches.

Each student has an ideal learning speed. Therefore, teachers are faced with the challenge of designing only moving forward so that students with slower speeds learn not to miss while not moving very slowly so that students with a learning speed more Boring fast.

Online education

Online education
Online education

In the age of information the high speed transfer of online education becomes a popular and low cost to instruct individuals outside the classroom, and in some cases around the world. Teaching can go through CDS, websites, or through facilities in real time online, such as webcasts, seminars and virtual classes. However, various online education methods each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Online education is still a relatively new concept, and in many respects it is still in the teething stages. Therefore, various problems arise in various online educational environments. Example:

1. Lack of information directly on the asynchronous learning environment: While some online learning environments, such as webcasts, seminars and virtual classrooms to operate directly with the addition of instructors, most are not. Teaching is delivered through a CD or website, although it has the advantage of setting your speed, it does not provide direct information from the instructor directly.

2. It requires more preparation by the instructor: in an online educational environment, the instructor can not only stand in front of the board and teach. Lessons in the online learning environment must be prepared in advance, along with notes and instructions that can accompany teaching.

In many ways it is also necessary that coaches not only understand the concepts taught, but the technology used to convey that instruction. Therefore, it enhances the skill level required by online educational instructors, who put greater demand at the educational institutions.

Staff may also be higher for courses running in an online educational environment, which requires, for example:

Instructors-able to teach the content of courses and become experts in the use of technology involved

Facilitator-for instructor assistance in delivering content, but can do it remotely

Helpdesk-to offer assistance to instructors, facilitators and students in the use of software and hardware used to provide the course.

3. Not everyone is comfortable with online education: education is no longer just sought by the youth of the world. With a growing trend toward adulthood and continuing education, there is a need to design a program suitable for students in a variety of elderly as well as students from different and diverse backgrounds. However, it is difficult to design an educational online environment that is suitable for everyone.

4. Increase the potential of frustration, anxiety and confusion: in an online educational environment, there are many parts that form system failures. Server failures can prevent online courses from running. Application based software in teaching may require certain other components to operate. Computer viruses can infect the software necessary to run an online education. If the system is complex, students can choose the convenience of education on campus instead of taking the extra time and effort necessary to master the use of an online education system.

5. Divide the Digital: Many people living in remote areas and developing countries do not have access to computers, making all forms of online education is virtually impossible. For this reason, online education can only be directed at those who are fortunate enough to be able to take advantage of the technology involved. In the same way, offering direct instruction throughout the world means that different time zones and nationalities are increasing demand for multi-skill instructors.

In addition, there are some legal issues associated with maintaining an online educational environment. For example, intellectual property laws, especially those relating to copyright, may or may not include all intellectual property that is electronically made. For example, information on the website is always regarded as a public domain, although it is available to everyone. However, the Australian copyright ACT was amended in 2001 to ensure that the copyright holders of electronic materials, including the environment, online education could continue to market their jobs.

Campus Education

Campus Education
Campus Education

The most common form of teaching is traditional in class learning. This environment is led by an online personal trainer education, and also has the advantage of allowing immediate feedback, and from students and teachers. However, classrooms allow fewer flexibility to run courses within an online education environment.

Instructors in a modern classroom environment can still take advantage of several forms of electronic teaching tools whereas the atmosphere associated with traditional classroom environments is maintained. For example, PowerPoint slides can be used instead of whiteboards or whiteboards. Brochures can be distributed via the WEB site of course before the event. However, on that day, students can still participate actively in the lesson.

The online educational environment, higher education comes with certain weaknesses, the most common is the class itself. It takes a group of people who, in college, for example, can reach several hundred people, who meet in the same place at the same time. Great financial time and commitment on behalf of the students and educational institutions needed.

However, this environment is the most intimate for students around the world. People of all ages can access the classroom environment to feel comfortable with the way lessons are taught in class. Older students who are uncomfortable with using information technology are not required to navigate their way through online education can be complex, so that college education as a more accessible way of teaching.

Education on campus has an advantage that can not be offered to 100% of programs conducted electronically-social interactions. Learning comes from observation, not only what is written on the page or presented in a slideshow, but what is observed in others. Most students naturally want to know and want to ask their instructor. The classroom environment allows students to explain what they are taught not only by their instructors, but with other students.

So, what's better?

No teaching style is the most appropriate for every student. Research has shown (online education can substitute on-campus education) courses where education is used online as a supplement for education on campus has proven to be more effective than fully teaching programs use of a single method. These courses take advantage of educational materials online and direct instructors, and have produced higher yields than students in the 100% online education course or classroom environment. Students have the advantage of immediate response and social interactions that come to the classroom environment as well as the convenience of an online education module with their own steps to perform as most suitable for students.

It seems that the online educational environment has never completely replaced education on campus. There is no teaching method "One size fits all". Continue adapting the teaching style to find the method that fits most for the study group. By using a mixture of environmental sessions and online education classes, educational institutions, corporations and government organizations can ensure the training is delivered comfortably and effectively for both teachers and students.

Mathew Simond is a journalist and editor. is also a webmaster of various websites including [] and []

It aims to provide information and advice on what is a healthy academic degree.

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